Substitute Teacher Database

Calling all Substitute Teachers in Ireland

The Substitute Teacher Database is a tool that lets employers connect with available substitute teachers quickly and easily. Jobseekers who are registered on can chose to create a profile on the database. This profile contains the subjects they teach, their location and their availability along with contact details, qualifications and most importantly, registration with the Teaching Council. Employers looking to find a substitute teacher in their area can subscribe to the database and search the profiles by subject and location.

How much does it cost?

  • Jobseekers can create a profile on the Substitute Teacher Database free of charge.
  • Employers can avail of a free no-obligation 30 day trial of the Substitute Teacher Database. Call 01-8081494 or email for further Substitute Teacher Database prices.

How do I know the database is current and accurate?

Jobseekers must re-activate their profile every 45 days to keep it listed on the database. While it is the responsibility of the jobseeker to provide full and accurate information, our staff carry out spot checks to ensure the system is up to date and accurate.

Does this mean anyone can view my CV?

No. When you register as a jobseeker on the site your profile is NOT active by default. Your profile will only become active when you have entered your information into the database and chosen to activate your profile.

What personal Information do employers have access to?

Substituet Teacher ProfileThis is what an employer sees when they look at a jobseeker’s online profile on the Substitute Teacher Database. A jobseeker's profile lists the contact details (name, address, e-mail and telephone number) and your subjects, qualifications and previous experience (including referees and contact numbers of same). "Employers" include Irish primary and post-primary schools along with private sector employers (e.g. grind schools), recruitment agencies and some schools in the UK.


View a sample Substitute Teacher Profile.

How does protect the privacy of its users?

All employers registering on our website must have their account activated by a member of staff before they can log into the site. A member of staff checks all information provided by employers for accuracy. Employers who subscribe to the substitute teacher database have their details checked again before access is granted to the database. View our privacy policy.

What about the Teaching Council?

Employers have the option of searching the database for only those teachers who have indicated that they are registered with the Teaching Council. advises all jobseekers to register with the Teaching Council and would like to remind all employers that it is their responsibility to check the qualifications and registration details of all new employees. Please see for full details.


I am a Jobseeker. How do I upload a profile to Substitute Teacher Database?


  • Register as a Jobseekers if you do not already have an account
  • Log in to your Jobseeker Homepage and click "Register as a Substitute Teacher".
  • Upload your details to all four sections of your online profile and activate your profile.
  • Upload a Word document CV in the My CV section.

How do I de-activate my profile on the Substitute Teacher Database?

After a jobseekers logs into their homepage they can click My Sub Info and then select Settings to change their profile status to inactive. Once inactive is selected they will not appear on the Substitute Teacher Database. Jobseekers can re-activate their profile at any time.

I am an employer. How do I access the Substitute Teacher Database and search for teachers?

  • Register as an Employer if you do not already have an account
  • Log in to your Employer Homepage and click "Find a Substitute Teacher"..
  • Select your subscription (Free Trial or 12 Month Subscription).
  • Wait for a member of staff to approve your subscription (all subscriptions must be approved for privacy and security reasons).
  • Once your subscription is active you can use the search function to find online CV's.